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Monday, December 12, 2011

Almost to 9000!!

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How amazing is that?? I LOVE IT!!! Thank you to everyone who came by!!
Tonight's painting is called "Little Quack" and is a little duckie on a blue swirly background. It's on a 4x4 canvas and I think he's pretty cute. There have been so many requests for kid friendly art that I've decided to keep doing them as much as I can. I do have a few requests for paintings so I'll do my very best to get them in. I did start a german sheppard tonight... can't say it's going that well.... but I'm trying! 

Chris is hard at work on a website that will hopefully display the paintings a little better, plus pertinent information. So, basically, the blog without my ramblings, plus extra information and links to sales info for anyone who wants to do an order online. So... in theory it'll be super awesome. He's posted it to the internet... but has only the first half of the year on there. So... after this week's sale at school I'll try my best to update the catalogue again (because you know we're going to sell a lot... right? right??) and then we'll launch that site as well. :) He's such a sweet guy!

Our daughter started daycare at the same place as our son today... I think it went well. I wasn't there this time... now that was weird! The feedback seems mostly positive. I'm not sure about a few things, but I think it will be ok in the end. So hard to let your kids go sometimes. But... I get to hug, kiss and snuggle them to bits when the workday comes to an end! Love love love!

In other news... I think I'm getting sick. I have a pretty indestructible immune system... but I think even it is giving up on me! Perhaps some more sleep would help... I just have to push through the next few weeks and it'll be all good. Cross your fingers that the itchy nose and dry scratchy throat that has snuck up on me today is just a reaction to dry lab air and not the inevitable illness I figured I might get. With my girl sick, and still no shortage of hugs and kisses, it's really only a matter of time before someone else gets it. Usually it's Chris... and maybe it still will be... poor guy gets sick so easily... but me? I refuse. Or at least, I try to refuse. Might be, my luck has run out... 

Good night... and happy thoughts!

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