Hmm... unintentional or unplanned? I suppose since I intended to paint something it was intentional... but I stared at that canvas for about forty minutes before doing anything at all.
I started with some black paint, then some green, added some blue, and then went from there. It wasn't planned so much as just, well, this colour fits my mood at the moment... let's just see what happens.
I called the painting "Tail Feathers" because it kind of looks like peacock feathers. Just a bit. In a sort of abstracty kind of way. Nothing I planned that's for sure. Sometimes that's good though... just letting colour and shapes be a guide. It can be a lot more free and abandoned than trying to paint from a sketch. I loved doing the fairies last week... but it's nice to try something different too.
Not much new to report here... a little sad that the blog views have slowed right down again. To be expected I suppose... it's hard to keep up interest in just my ramblings. Picture day usually sees a spike... so here's hoping. :) For now... I had a good long weekend with my family and although I'm not looking forward to Chris' return to work tomorrow, we do have a lunch date in the works. Good times!
The fairies are amazing! THey may be my favorite!! what a delight!