Yup, was down to my last canvas again tonight. Sheesh! I knew going in that there would be many trips to the store, but it always surprises me when I've run out. Will take a little day trip tomorrow I guess. :)
Tonight's painting is called "Midnight" and is sort of a partner piece to "Savannah". It is a night/winter landscape with a full moon and stars and some bare trees. I'll admit, I like "Savannah" better, but Chris urged me to sleep on it! Sometimes things I'm not so sure about look better in the morning.
This will be a very short post because I'm standing in my living room typing on the tiny netbook instead of upstairs on my lethal desk chair at the regular computer. We switched internet and phone providers today (cost cutting!) and haven't figured out how to get the upstairs computer to be hooked up yet. I think a wireless roter (?) and possibly an internet stick (??) or an ethernet cable (ah, something I've heard of) will do the trick. At any rate... the painting part of the project is blissfully low tech so no delays there.
Call a friend or loved one to say hello. Send out a happy thought.
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Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
African Savannah
One thing I'd like to do is go on a safari in Africa. Photo safari that is. Two of my aunts recently went to Tanzania and did just that. SO jealous! In a good way. :) To be honest, I have a lot of places I want to see, and things I want to do. Just thinking about them makes me very grateful that I am healthy and have lots of opportunities to actually do those things. As you know, I'm supporting the Children's Wish Foundation with this project, and so it makes me think of all the kids who have wishes and are helped by this organization. I think as human beings we are full of dreams. It makes me feel pretty good to be playing a part in helping to realize a few of those dreams. I hope you all feel good about that too! By reading this blog and supporting this year-long adventure you are helping kids. You are (hopefully) sharing this blog with your friends and thinking about the reasons why I'm doing this. Maybe it's inspiring you to do something for someone else, or to just be happier and kinder to others in your day-to-day life. I think if you start doing something good it will grow and be shared.
Anyway... pulling back from my tangent, albeit an important one, I was thinking of Africa. While I was getting ready to paint I put on an episode of The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency. Instead of painter's block I got some inspiration from some of the images of the show, which is set in Botswana. I hope I did it justice. It's definitely one of my favourite paintings so far! It's called "Savannah". I hope someday I can go there and see animals and meet people and just experience a wider scope of life than my own backyard. Always be open to possibilities and always treat others with kindness and respect.
Until tomorrow...
Anyway... pulling back from my tangent, albeit an important one, I was thinking of Africa. While I was getting ready to paint I put on an episode of The Number One Ladies' Detective Agency. Instead of painter's block I got some inspiration from some of the images of the show, which is set in Botswana. I hope I did it justice. It's definitely one of my favourite paintings so far! It's called "Savannah". I hope someday I can go there and see animals and meet people and just experience a wider scope of life than my own backyard. Always be open to possibilities and always treat others with kindness and respect.
Until tomorrow...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tulips & Dewdrops
Before painting tonight I did a quick cleanup. Put my turntable away (temporarily) and shuffled some paints around. I so need a better storage system. The paint kit I have is wonderful, and made for me by Chris many years ago, but now that I have so many paints in it, I've run out of room and most of them end up scattered around on the table and shelves. So... I'm spending more time than I'd like tidying before painting. Yes, I could do it after painting, but by then it's late and I'm tired. Ah procrastination my old friend! Anyway... it feels like I have so much space now that the turntable is gone. I thought, this is nice, a refreshing clean slate to start a new painting. Then I went blank.
Yup, as blank as that little white canvas. Couldn't think of a thing to paint. Sat staring at this thing for a good half hour while peeking up at the tv. We started watching the show Big-Bang Theory (oh so funny). Anyway, by the time the painting was finished I think we'd seen four episodes and Chris had gone upstairs. It's a wee and teeny canvas. Crazy how sometimes the little ones take longer than the big ones!
Anyway, I decided to paint another fairy tonight. Not sure why... but I was trying to think of what to do and tulips popped into my head. I think that might have been my friend Trina's suggestion awhile ago. Anyway, I thought a little dewdrop fairy putting a drop of dew (ironic?) on a tulip might be nice. So, away we went. I like her. Just a little fairy. Oh, and I so blame my sister for the fairy thing. She loves them. I miss her. :)
Ok, that's totally enough rambling out of me for one night. Until the morrow.
Yup, as blank as that little white canvas. Couldn't think of a thing to paint. Sat staring at this thing for a good half hour while peeking up at the tv. We started watching the show Big-Bang Theory (oh so funny). Anyway, by the time the painting was finished I think we'd seen four episodes and Chris had gone upstairs. It's a wee and teeny canvas. Crazy how sometimes the little ones take longer than the big ones!
Anyway, I decided to paint another fairy tonight. Not sure why... but I was trying to think of what to do and tulips popped into my head. I think that might have been my friend Trina's suggestion awhile ago. Anyway, I thought a little dewdrop fairy putting a drop of dew (ironic?) on a tulip might be nice. So, away we went. I like her. Just a little fairy. Oh, and I so blame my sister for the fairy thing. She loves them. I miss her. :)
Ok, that's totally enough rambling out of me for one night. Until the morrow.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Week Four - Pictures!
I totally cannot believe it has been four weeks already!!! There are now 28 paintings in my basement! I am so very excited about this (can't tell, can you?)!!
Tonight was the last of this series of turntable paintings. I think I will welcome a change, though it has been very interesting, and with luck I will get to do it again... maybe next time with round canvasses. :) Who knows?
I called this painting "Perseverance" because it reminded me of the light at the end of the tunnel. You know, when things get bleak you have to look past them because it will definitely get better. So, I think it kind of looks like a long dark tunnel with the sun shining at the end. Always darkest before the dawn? That kind of idea.
Here are the pictures, with links to each relevant blog post... in case you want to peek at the day to day ramblings of yours truly. Hope you enjoy (and comment). :)
Tonight was the last of this series of turntable paintings. I think I will welcome a change, though it has been very interesting, and with luck I will get to do it again... maybe next time with round canvasses. :) Who knows?
I called this painting "Perseverance" because it reminded me of the light at the end of the tunnel. You know, when things get bleak you have to look past them because it will definitely get better. So, I think it kind of looks like a long dark tunnel with the sun shining at the end. Always darkest before the dawn? That kind of idea.
Here are the pictures, with links to each relevant blog post... in case you want to peek at the day to day ramblings of yours truly. Hope you enjoy (and comment). :)
Jan 22 - Dizzy |
Jan 23 - Newspaper |
Jan 24 - Kaleidoscope |
Jan 25 - Hummingbird |
Jan 26 - Field of Violets |
Jan 27 - Mud Pies |
Jan 28 - Perseverance |
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Day 27
In honour of two wonderful boys in my life, tonight's painting is called "Mud pies". Mud, for my son, who absolutely loves the classic Sesame Street clip "Earth, Rain and Mud" where Slimey and friends make a damp rock group and their song is "Mud". Catchy lyrics include "Mmmmmmm..... UD" and "Mud, gimmie mud. Mud! Mud! Mud!" and the colour of the painting is, um, brown... my husband's favourite colour.
I tired to build up the texture for this using various browns in my paint collection. I threw in some blues as well, but by the end you can't really tell they're there. I think it's fun. Captures the kid inside. I don't know if I ever made mud pies... but I do remember my mom saying I must be a dirt magnet... that you could stand me alone in the middle of the school yard and all the dirt would jump up and land on me. I was seven or eight I think. So, I guess I must have gotten good and dirty at least once in my life. You'd hardly know it now... not so big on wallowing in swampiness. It'll be interesting to see what the painting turns out like when the paint is dry. Hopefully it won't be just a big blob!
I've done a bunch of turntable paintings in a row now, and while I enjoy it, I think I'll be happy for something different at the end of the week. :) Pictures will be up tomorrow... so can't believe it's been four weeks already! Time flies when you're having fun!
I tired to build up the texture for this using various browns in my paint collection. I threw in some blues as well, but by the end you can't really tell they're there. I think it's fun. Captures the kid inside. I don't know if I ever made mud pies... but I do remember my mom saying I must be a dirt magnet... that you could stand me alone in the middle of the school yard and all the dirt would jump up and land on me. I was seven or eight I think. So, I guess I must have gotten good and dirty at least once in my life. You'd hardly know it now... not so big on wallowing in swampiness. It'll be interesting to see what the painting turns out like when the paint is dry. Hopefully it won't be just a big blob!
I've done a bunch of turntable paintings in a row now, and while I enjoy it, I think I'll be happy for something different at the end of the week. :) Pictures will be up tomorrow... so can't believe it's been four weeks already! Time flies when you're having fun!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Still going even when sick... bring it on!
Tonight's painting is called "Field of Violets" and is all in purple with a hint of white and silver. Mainly concentric circles done slightly off centre. I think I like it. :) I tried a few different things with thinned paint and so did not like any of the attempts so I scrubbed it down and started again. That's one of the nice thing about using small canvasses, you can start over if you need to and still finish one a day!
I quite enjoy looking at the little series of 5x5 turntable paintings. They're all different and all neat in their own ways. Looking forward to posting the pictures!
I think at the end of each month I'm going to set aside a chunk of time to scan each painting. I'm hoping that the scans will turn out better than the pictures I've taken so far. Plus, I'd like a really nice record of all this art. Can't hurt, right?
Not much is new otherwise... my whole family is ill so it has been a bit of a tough couple of days. Still finding/making time to paint though... and still really enjoying it. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to keep the pace going, but it seems to be ok so far. Of course, it's only January... we'll see how it goes come June! I promised myself that I'd do this and I'm going to do it.
The thought just popped into my head about the movie "Run Fat Boy Run"... I'm not exactly like that guy, but I suppose there has been a certain lack of follow through on some of my more outlandish ideas. This one though, this I think I can see all the way through. Maybe it's because the end result is beyond my little world. I think sometimes it's easier to challenge yourself if you are not the immediate beneficiary. In a way I am, I get to practice painting and feel good about what I'm doing, but it's less tangible. The real concrete benefits are going elsewhere and I think that generally helps. I'm not even sure I'm making sense.... chalk it up to being sick and sleepless! :) Anyway, an early night for me... until tomorrow.
I quite enjoy looking at the little series of 5x5 turntable paintings. They're all different and all neat in their own ways. Looking forward to posting the pictures!
I think at the end of each month I'm going to set aside a chunk of time to scan each painting. I'm hoping that the scans will turn out better than the pictures I've taken so far. Plus, I'd like a really nice record of all this art. Can't hurt, right?
Not much is new otherwise... my whole family is ill so it has been a bit of a tough couple of days. Still finding/making time to paint though... and still really enjoying it. I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to keep the pace going, but it seems to be ok so far. Of course, it's only January... we'll see how it goes come June! I promised myself that I'd do this and I'm going to do it.
The thought just popped into my head about the movie "Run Fat Boy Run"... I'm not exactly like that guy, but I suppose there has been a certain lack of follow through on some of my more outlandish ideas. This one though, this I think I can see all the way through. Maybe it's because the end result is beyond my little world. I think sometimes it's easier to challenge yourself if you are not the immediate beneficiary. In a way I am, I get to practice painting and feel good about what I'm doing, but it's less tangible. The real concrete benefits are going elsewhere and I think that generally helps. I'm not even sure I'm making sense.... chalk it up to being sick and sleepless! :) Anyway, an early night for me... until tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hummingbird Wings
You know how some animals and insects move so fast they blur? Chris suggested the propeller idea for a painting and so I did try it. Personally I don't know that I love it. He thinks it looks good so maybe I'm just too harsh a critic. I used cobalt blue, turquoise and gold. It's a blue base done on the wheel, then gold in the propeller idea, then I put some turquoise over top in small amounts and spun that a bit. Ended up using a dry brush to lift some excess paint to make the gold come through more again and I think that improved it somewhat. Chris said it made him think of hummingbird wings and so that is where the title "Hummingbird" comes from.
I think tomorrow I'm going to try to really thin the paint and see what I can do from there. This is definitely an adventure!
Oh, and Laura from Children's Wish posted about the project on their Facebook page, so feel free to go look at their page and see what great things are going on.
So far this year (all 24 days of it) has been full of giving and paying it forward. I think 2011 is going to be wonderful in so many ways. I hope it has been great for you too.
If anyone has suggestions for what to paint please leave a comment. I'll admit, I check regularly... ok, obsessively. ;) Good night!
I think tomorrow I'm going to try to really thin the paint and see what I can do from there. This is definitely an adventure!
Oh, and Laura from Children's Wish posted about the project on their Facebook page, so feel free to go look at their page and see what great things are going on.
So far this year (all 24 days of it) has been full of giving and paying it forward. I think 2011 is going to be wonderful in so many ways. I hope it has been great for you too.
If anyone has suggestions for what to paint please leave a comment. I'll admit, I check regularly... ok, obsessively. ;) Good night!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Paint is Amazing Stuff
I love the way paint looks and feels. It can change textures, you can blend it, layer it, swirl it... it's just pretty cool stuff. Tonight's painting (Kaleidoscope) turned out pretty cool. I used red, green, yellow and blue paint, applied directly to the canvas and then sort of swirled it all together while it was spinning on the turntable. Until now I've been using a steadier hand, much like you do in pottery to throw a pot. Tonight I tried to wobble it a bit more. Just to see what would happen. I have some bulbous paint blobs with lots of intertwining colours. It appeals to me.
Chris wants me to try a sort of propeller approach with one vertical line of paint and then spread it out from there, much like the way a propeller spins. I think I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Not sure how it'll turn out, but that's all part of the plan. Not every painting is going to be a masterpiece (if any are!), but they're fun and fun is good. :) I think I must have read some Dr. Seuss today!
Thanks to the people who commented... I absolutely love the feedback! Oh, and I can't believe it but the page has over 700 views!! This is wonderful! Don't know if we'll make my goal of 1000 this month, but it's possible. Anything is possible, isn't it?
Chris wants me to try a sort of propeller approach with one vertical line of paint and then spread it out from there, much like the way a propeller spins. I think I'll give that a shot tomorrow. Not sure how it'll turn out, but that's all part of the plan. Not every painting is going to be a masterpiece (if any are!), but they're fun and fun is good. :) I think I must have read some Dr. Seuss today!
Thanks to the people who commented... I absolutely love the feedback! Oh, and I can't believe it but the page has over 700 views!! This is wonderful! Don't know if we'll make my goal of 1000 this month, but it's possible. Anything is possible, isn't it?
Sunday, January 23, 2011
What's Black and White and Red All Over?
Tonight's turntable painting is called Newspaper because it made me think of that joke. I like the colour combination of red white and black and I had an idea in my head of something to try with the turntable. It didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would, but I think it's appealing nonetheless. I also experimented with a larger canvas, so I probably won't include it... unless there's a day where I get desperate and have no time to paint... It's called Chocolate and is all varying shades of brown. Mmm chocolate... so addicted!
Anyway, I've decided to do a turntable painting every day this week since the canvasses I got are all matching. That way I get to really poke at it and see if I can get different looks and feelings from them. We'll see... I think it'll be interesting.
I was toying with the idea of scanning the paintings to make prints or maybe a calendar or two. I figure it almost seems a shame to have all this art and only have it go once. Especially since people are already asking if I can save paintings for them. :) Any thoughts? Would anybody be interested in that kind of thing? I think I'd like a nice copy of everything just for myself to make a record of the project... heaven knows my pictures aren't that great. I learned last night that I should be taking them with lights at a 45 degree angle while they're hanging on the wall. Hmm... guess that explains a bit about the glare from the flash. :) Here's hoping the pictures improve this week! I am so lucky to have very talented and knowledgeable friends (thanks Miya).
A general note... I'd love love love some more comments/feedback if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, whatever. I know I find this project interesting... hope some of you do too. Conversation is a good thing. :)
Ok, so enough out of me for tonight... will be back again tomorrow of course. :) Happy thoughts!
Anyway, I've decided to do a turntable painting every day this week since the canvasses I got are all matching. That way I get to really poke at it and see if I can get different looks and feelings from them. We'll see... I think it'll be interesting.
I was toying with the idea of scanning the paintings to make prints or maybe a calendar or two. I figure it almost seems a shame to have all this art and only have it go once. Especially since people are already asking if I can save paintings for them. :) Any thoughts? Would anybody be interested in that kind of thing? I think I'd like a nice copy of everything just for myself to make a record of the project... heaven knows my pictures aren't that great. I learned last night that I should be taking them with lights at a 45 degree angle while they're hanging on the wall. Hmm... guess that explains a bit about the glare from the flash. :) Here's hoping the pictures improve this week! I am so lucky to have very talented and knowledgeable friends (thanks Miya).
A general note... I'd love love love some more comments/feedback if anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, whatever. I know I find this project interesting... hope some of you do too. Conversation is a good thing. :)
Ok, so enough out of me for tonight... will be back again tomorrow of course. :) Happy thoughts!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Turntable Fun...
No, I'm not a dj. However, something popped into my head a long time ago and I'm finally getting a chance to give it a go. I thought it would be interesting to put a canvas on a turntable/record player and paint while it's spinning. See what kind of weird stuff would come out. I started looking for a turntable and balked at the prices. Through a lucky coincidence, and a whole lot of stuff in storage at my parents' place, I now own a turntable. Turns out my parents were cleaning out their store room (which was housing a bunch of stuff for my brother and I) so we got all our stuff back. No, I still haven't found homes for it all... been kind of busy. :) Anyway, in my brother's stuff was this old record player that was missing a needle. He decided it was too expensive to buy a new needle so he left it with some stuff to go the a thrift store. I heard the conversation, yet somehow managed to completely tune out the part about the record player until today, when Chris was going to take some stuff out of the house. He happened to mention that it was in the box of my brother's stuff and I had one of those lightbulb moments... the kind where the information was totally in your brain, you just hadn't connected it properly. So, almost popping up out of my chair, I asked him to retrieve it from the box, and now I have it down in my 'studio' to use for the occasional painting experiment. Starting tonight!
SO much fun! Tonight's painting is called "Dizzy" because it's what I was after watching the canvas spin around and around for awhile. Very mesmerizing for sure. I think as I play with it some more they'll come out with some great stuff. Still experimenting, but I think it turned out pretty well all the same.
I was asked to paint a canvas for a fundraiser for a friend, so I tried a second turntable painting with a different approach. I hope she likes it, but if not it's always a great learning experience. I'm hoping that she'll be able to mention this project at the fundraiser. Any and all exposure will help in the long run!
Along with that thought, I think I'm going to send an email to Olga Milosevich at CBC. I met her years ago at the Multicultural Festival and sort of kept in touch. Who knows, maybe this sort of thing is something she'd be interested in talking about. I know it's early days, but why not? I'm excited about the possibilities that are out there. I'm also very happy to be doing this.
A quick thank you to Dan at Michael's... spoke with him today as I bought some more canvasses (they were having a great sale today, another lucky fluke) and he said that he would try to get me a discount the next time I went in. Apparently they don't sponsor per se, but hey, a discount helps! So, thanks Dan... for that and for your help today.
I'm now going to go to bed with "two turntables and a microphone" repeating in my brain. Ah, the price for wacky creativity. Good night!
SO much fun! Tonight's painting is called "Dizzy" because it's what I was after watching the canvas spin around and around for awhile. Very mesmerizing for sure. I think as I play with it some more they'll come out with some great stuff. Still experimenting, but I think it turned out pretty well all the same.
I was asked to paint a canvas for a fundraiser for a friend, so I tried a second turntable painting with a different approach. I hope she likes it, but if not it's always a great learning experience. I'm hoping that she'll be able to mention this project at the fundraiser. Any and all exposure will help in the long run!
Along with that thought, I think I'm going to send an email to Olga Milosevich at CBC. I met her years ago at the Multicultural Festival and sort of kept in touch. Who knows, maybe this sort of thing is something she'd be interested in talking about. I know it's early days, but why not? I'm excited about the possibilities that are out there. I'm also very happy to be doing this.
A quick thank you to Dan at Michael's... spoke with him today as I bought some more canvasses (they were having a great sale today, another lucky fluke) and he said that he would try to get me a discount the next time I went in. Apparently they don't sponsor per se, but hey, a discount helps! So, thanks Dan... for that and for your help today.
I'm now going to go to bed with "two turntables and a microphone" repeating in my brain. Ah, the price for wacky creativity. Good night!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Week Three Pictures!
I have to give some credit to Chris for tonight's painting. He suggested the subject matter and also the outlining. Black outlines are something I like to do, but hadn't done it on this painting. He thought it would help and I think he was right. So, tonight's painting is called "Home Sweet Home" and continues in my fairy theme.
I stopped to wonder why I have focused on fairies this week and I think it just might be because of a birthday party we're going to tomorrow. The little girl is a whole year old and her moms are doing a party with a fairy theme. Love it! So, maybe it worked its way into my subconscious. :)
Anyway, here are this weeks paintings with the relevant blog posts linked to the captions. I don't know if that helps anyone, but just in case you're curious and only pop on once a week, you can easily pop over to the day's blog to read a little more.
I stopped to wonder why I have focused on fairies this week and I think it just might be because of a birthday party we're going to tomorrow. The little girl is a whole year old and her moms are doing a party with a fairy theme. Love it! So, maybe it worked its way into my subconscious. :)
Anyway, here are this weeks paintings with the relevant blog posts linked to the captions. I don't know if that helps anyone, but just in case you're curious and only pop on once a week, you can easily pop over to the day's blog to read a little more.
Butterfly |
P.T.A. |
Night Flight |
Sweet Dreams |
Summer Day |
Mushroom Magic |
Home Sweet Home |
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Supplies Running Low
I must use a lot of black paint... need to make another trip to an art store very soon! I bought a bunch of canvasses a week and a half ago and I've only got one left. Eep! I have to say, I've definitely appreciated the help and donations I've received so far. It's made doing this a lot more possible.
This is my less than subtle way of seeing if anyone out there wants to help me out a little. :) Never hurts to ask, right? Canvasses are the biggie... it always feels like I'm picking up a ton, but when they get painted every day they go quickly. Well, if anyone can and wants to help, that would be great... but if you're not in a position that's totally ok too. I just think it's amazing and wonderful every time the page view counter jumps up. Almost to 600 now! I'm hoping we can hit 1000 by the end of the month. :)
Now on to tonight's painting... I mentioned that I painted a fairy the other day. I also said she was a skinny little thing. So, tonight I got around to painting a less than stick-figure fairy. Wow... it's a lot easier to do the skinny ones. At least, that's what my first attempt tells me. This fairy is sitting on a mushroom (toadstool?) and it's a nice sunny day. I think it makes a nice opposite to the earlier painting too. What can I say, I like symmetry and balance. I'll probably do some more fairies at some point too. The possibilities are many and the subject matter is fun. Any suggestions for paintings are more than welcome!
Otherwise, not much is new... got the logo for the Children's Wish Foundation and my paperwork is in. So, hopefully people will start to hear about this project in wider circles. My goal is that by the end of the year this thing will be out there and noticed. Happy thoughts! So... help me out, post links on your facebook pages if you've got them, tell your friends and family about this. You never know who will want to help out or who would love to come to the final event. :)
Ok, enough babbling out of me... more pictures tomorrow!!
This is my less than subtle way of seeing if anyone out there wants to help me out a little. :) Never hurts to ask, right? Canvasses are the biggie... it always feels like I'm picking up a ton, but when they get painted every day they go quickly. Well, if anyone can and wants to help, that would be great... but if you're not in a position that's totally ok too. I just think it's amazing and wonderful every time the page view counter jumps up. Almost to 600 now! I'm hoping we can hit 1000 by the end of the month. :)
Now on to tonight's painting... I mentioned that I painted a fairy the other day. I also said she was a skinny little thing. So, tonight I got around to painting a less than stick-figure fairy. Wow... it's a lot easier to do the skinny ones. At least, that's what my first attempt tells me. This fairy is sitting on a mushroom (toadstool?) and it's a nice sunny day. I think it makes a nice opposite to the earlier painting too. What can I say, I like symmetry and balance. I'll probably do some more fairies at some point too. The possibilities are many and the subject matter is fun. Any suggestions for paintings are more than welcome!
Otherwise, not much is new... got the logo for the Children's Wish Foundation and my paperwork is in. So, hopefully people will start to hear about this project in wider circles. My goal is that by the end of the year this thing will be out there and noticed. Happy thoughts! So... help me out, post links on your facebook pages if you've got them, tell your friends and family about this. You never know who will want to help out or who would love to come to the final event. :)
Ok, enough babbling out of me... more pictures tomorrow!!
![]() |
Facebook Group Link |
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Nothing to block the view
Chris and I watched some Corner Gas this evening, way back to the first season. He's originally from Saskatchewan, though that doesn't have any bearing on our enjoyment of the show. :) If you haven't seen it, you should check it out. My brother-in-law shows up a few times too!
Figured I might as well use the show as inspiration for a painting. So, enter a landscape of the beautiful Prairies. With the obligatory grain silo/building of course. I called it "Summer Day" because I think it looks like a warm, sunny, cheerful day in a large open field.
I will admit, my first reaction to landing at Regina airport many years ago was definitely the omg it is seriously crazy flat! Winnipeg (the previous stop) should have been the tip-off really, but somehow I didn't think it was *really* going to be that flat. Of course... the sky views are a big part of what makes the Prairies beautiful. It's all a matter of perspective. If you get hung up looking at the ruler-edge ground, then yeah, it might seem boring. But the clouds, the sunsets, all manner of weather... very impressive. So, next time you see something you think is potentially dull, take another look from a different perspective and you just might be amazed by what you see.
Figured I might as well use the show as inspiration for a painting. So, enter a landscape of the beautiful Prairies. With the obligatory grain silo/building of course. I called it "Summer Day" because I think it looks like a warm, sunny, cheerful day in a large open field.
I will admit, my first reaction to landing at Regina airport many years ago was definitely the omg it is seriously crazy flat! Winnipeg (the previous stop) should have been the tip-off really, but somehow I didn't think it was *really* going to be that flat. Of course... the sky views are a big part of what makes the Prairies beautiful. It's all a matter of perspective. If you get hung up looking at the ruler-edge ground, then yeah, it might seem boring. But the clouds, the sunsets, all manner of weather... very impressive. So, next time you see something you think is potentially dull, take another look from a different perspective and you just might be amazed by what you see.
A Message From My Husband, Chris...
This is a message from Chris to anyone who is reading the blog. He has been so very supportive in my decision to do this project and I think he wanted to share something more with you too.
I know this blog has been getting a little attention, maybe even enough that some of you reading this don’t know the author - my wife Joanne - that well. I thought I might give you a sketch of one of Joanne’s typical days, as a way to impress upon the readers what a monumental task it is that she has undertaken for this year.
Joanne wakes in the morning sometime between 5:30am, when my alarm goes off, and 7:00. Usually either our son, who is nearly three, or our daughter, who is seven months will half wake up during this time, to be soothed, and taken or sent back to bed by Joanne. When I call from my job at the post office around 9:00am, she is up and showered, and has both our children dressed, and usually just finishing up breakfast. Shortly after breakfast, it’s time for our daughter to be soothed down for her morning nap, and (assuming she DOES nap), Joanne uses the time to wash dishes, and play with our son, as he has to share the attention all other times of the day. As the baby wakes from nap, it’s usually time to prepare lunch, which is usually sandwiches with meat, cheese, and cut up vegetables; luckily our son will sometimes play quite happily on his own, and even help entertain his sister. I arrive back from work near the end of lunch or shortly afterward, and it’s time to take both children to bed for afternoon nap which, as all parents will know – can be a long ritual! I spend the nap time policing the sleep and doing some computer work, while Joanne will often grab her chance to go to the gym for some exercise.
She gets back home at the end of nap or shortly after, and our daughter usually demands some exclusive mommy attention. I play with our son, and our daughter, while Joanne prepares supper. Let me emphasize this – every night she prepares a full nutritious supper for the two of us, and our growing toddler, AND special mashed foods for the baby, which she feeds to our daughter as she has her own supper. After supper, she puts our girl to bed for the night, while I get some extra play or reading time with our son. Later, while I put him to bed, Joanne begins some miscellaneous chores, like dishes, cleaning, organizing, trips for groceries, etc. I come down and help finish the chores, and then we usually have time to sit, and maybe watch television for an hour or 30 minutes before we stumble off to bed.
Did I forget something? Don’t forget, Joanne is also painting a canvas, photographing it, and blogging about it EVERY SINGLE DAY! Where does she fit this in? Rarely in the afternoon, but usually she paints during our “sit-down time”. I try to stay awake and supportive, but I am often asleep by the time the photographing, writing and uploading is finished. And she does this each and every day, not even mentioning the hundred of other projects, outings for the kids, etc, that are always of the go. I hope everyone reading this can see what a labour of love this is for Joanne, and help out by spreading around some good thoughts, and publicity for the blog. Thanks for reading (and thanks for all you do Joanne)!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Over 500 Views!!!
I can't tell you how happy this makes me! It's so exciting to know that it's the 18th and we've had 508 page views so far. That's a rough average of 28 a day! I think the only thing that would make me happier (this early on) is more comments. :) Hint hint. :)
I know I was going to do another fairy painting tonight... even looked around a bit for inspiration. Wasn't feeling in the mood for it when I got around to painting. Instead a moment from my day popped into my head and I went with that. My son was looking at something, a book or a card, not even sure anymore, and it was basically a pair of somewhat scary eyes. He pointed them out to me and it sort of stuck. So, my painting tonight is called "Sweet Dreams" and is a bunch of eyes peering out of the dark. It's funny how we automatically see that as a sinister image, even as children. It could just be an innocent image, like a cat's reflective eyes while out on a nightly stroll. It's interesting to think that we give something a positive or negative spin without being completely aware we're doing it. Ah the joys of human nature.
Perhaps I'll be in a frisky fairy painting mood tomorrow, although I'll be coming home from my first Zumba class, so it might end up being a sleeping fairy! You never know what will happen...
I know I was going to do another fairy painting tonight... even looked around a bit for inspiration. Wasn't feeling in the mood for it when I got around to painting. Instead a moment from my day popped into my head and I went with that. My son was looking at something, a book or a card, not even sure anymore, and it was basically a pair of somewhat scary eyes. He pointed them out to me and it sort of stuck. So, my painting tonight is called "Sweet Dreams" and is a bunch of eyes peering out of the dark. It's funny how we automatically see that as a sinister image, even as children. It could just be an innocent image, like a cat's reflective eyes while out on a nightly stroll. It's interesting to think that we give something a positive or negative spin without being completely aware we're doing it. Ah the joys of human nature.
Perhaps I'll be in a frisky fairy painting mood tomorrow, although I'll be coming home from my first Zumba class, so it might end up being a sleeping fairy! You never know what will happen...
Monday, January 17, 2011
January 17
Seriously? It's the 17th already? I look around my basement and see seventeen paintings (ok, technically 18 since one of them requires two canvasses, but whatever). I think this is the most I've painted in years! I'm loving it!!
Tonight I decided to try painting a fairy. Why? Because, for the most part, they're pretty and happy and just a little mysterious. My sister has a good sized collection of fairy-related things in her apartment and when we were out visiting this past autumn I got to take a look. I remember flipping through a gigantic book on the subject and looking at all the different kinds of fairies that have been depicted over the years. I even have the Lady Cottington's pressed fairy book that I picked up at a yard sale one year because I thought it looked fun.
My fairy is not a pressed fairy though... just a little flying fairy in the moonlight. So, I called the painting "Night Flight" and I can imagine she's off to her little fairy bed somewhere, maybe in a hollow tree, or perhaps in a flower. Or, maybe she's going to a fairy meeting in some forest glen. Open to interpretation. :)
My wonderful husband got a good chuckle at me though... after all the complaining I do about comic book women and their impossibly skinny waists and enormous 'assets', my fairy is also skinny. Meh... what can I say? She was easier to draw that way? Maybe I just want to be skinnier myself and so that is reflected in the art? I guess I'll use the 'she's not human' excuse to justify the magically thin waist and long legs. :) Next time I'll draw a pleasantly plump little fairy instead. Perhaps that'll be tomorrow's painting. I can see it now... she'll be sitting on a rock or something, enjoying the sunshine. Nice counter piece. We'll see... until then, off to bed!
Tonight I decided to try painting a fairy. Why? Because, for the most part, they're pretty and happy and just a little mysterious. My sister has a good sized collection of fairy-related things in her apartment and when we were out visiting this past autumn I got to take a look. I remember flipping through a gigantic book on the subject and looking at all the different kinds of fairies that have been depicted over the years. I even have the Lady Cottington's pressed fairy book that I picked up at a yard sale one year because I thought it looked fun.
My fairy is not a pressed fairy though... just a little flying fairy in the moonlight. So, I called the painting "Night Flight" and I can imagine she's off to her little fairy bed somewhere, maybe in a hollow tree, or perhaps in a flower. Or, maybe she's going to a fairy meeting in some forest glen. Open to interpretation. :)
My wonderful husband got a good chuckle at me though... after all the complaining I do about comic book women and their impossibly skinny waists and enormous 'assets', my fairy is also skinny. Meh... what can I say? She was easier to draw that way? Maybe I just want to be skinnier myself and so that is reflected in the art? I guess I'll use the 'she's not human' excuse to justify the magically thin waist and long legs. :) Next time I'll draw a pleasantly plump little fairy instead. Perhaps that'll be tomorrow's painting. I can see it now... she'll be sitting on a rock or something, enjoying the sunshine. Nice counter piece. We'll see... until then, off to bed!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Tonight's painting is called P.T.A. It's four different, colourful fish having a little chat. I called it P.T.A. because, well, fish swim in schools... so, yeah. It made me smile anyway. :)
Thank you to Katherine (my mother-in-law) for the inspiration... today being her birthday I asked if she had any suggestions, and fish was the given theme. As for me, I'm a Pisces so it's so not hard for me to want to paint fish. I think I even have a painting of two koi in my son's room... but I'm keeping that one.
I looked around my "studio" aka the den in the basement... and it hit me... I've painted sixteen paintings in sixteen days. I think that's a record... for me at least! It also occurred to me that I'm going to have to come up with a much more practical method of storing these paintings. There's only so much space on my bookshelves.
An update on the Children's Wish stuff, I've completed and sent in my paperwork. Basically it just states that if I say I'm donating the net profits then I really am donating them. It's rather an appalling thought that people out there say they'll raise money and then keep it for themselves. At least I know I'm not one of them! So, now that that's done, I think I'll probably be getting a logo and links for this blog to their sites, and I think they're also going to put a link to here on their page and facebook site. So that'll be exciting. Maybe we'll get past 500 before the end of the month. :)
Someone asked me how I'm making money out of this... my response was, I'm not. Then they asked me why I was doing it... I guess I'm just doing it because I wanted a challenge and I wanted to do something beyond myself. I suppose, for my part I'm getting more painting experience, so it's not nothing... but the tangible payoff is going out to the world. I guess I hope that this will inspire others to try taking on a project like this too. Just because it's not already organized doesn't mean it can't be.
I'm not expecting the moon, but I am hoping for a glimpse of the stars.
Thank you to Katherine (my mother-in-law) for the inspiration... today being her birthday I asked if she had any suggestions, and fish was the given theme. As for me, I'm a Pisces so it's so not hard for me to want to paint fish. I think I even have a painting of two koi in my son's room... but I'm keeping that one.
I looked around my "studio" aka the den in the basement... and it hit me... I've painted sixteen paintings in sixteen days. I think that's a record... for me at least! It also occurred to me that I'm going to have to come up with a much more practical method of storing these paintings. There's only so much space on my bookshelves.
An update on the Children's Wish stuff, I've completed and sent in my paperwork. Basically it just states that if I say I'm donating the net profits then I really am donating them. It's rather an appalling thought that people out there say they'll raise money and then keep it for themselves. At least I know I'm not one of them! So, now that that's done, I think I'll probably be getting a logo and links for this blog to their sites, and I think they're also going to put a link to here on their page and facebook site. So that'll be exciting. Maybe we'll get past 500 before the end of the month. :)
Someone asked me how I'm making money out of this... my response was, I'm not. Then they asked me why I was doing it... I guess I'm just doing it because I wanted a challenge and I wanted to do something beyond myself. I suppose, for my part I'm getting more painting experience, so it's not nothing... but the tangible payoff is going out to the world. I guess I hope that this will inspire others to try taking on a project like this too. Just because it's not already organized doesn't mean it can't be.
I'm not expecting the moon, but I am hoping for a glimpse of the stars.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Two for One
Here we are at the start of the third week. Part of me can hardly believe I've really made it even this far. It is definitely a lot of work... but at least it's fun too! I think the hardest part may be the first moment of looking at the blank stretch of white, followed closely by coming up with a name. It's weird... but good.
Anyway... tonight's painting is, as the title of this post suggests, a two for one deal. I tried something I've thought about trying for a few days but hadn't quite gotten around to doing. It's definitely more abstract than some of the others. I love using bright colours and especially the six I associate with the rainbow. Yes, six. Forgive me, I know there are seven, but it seems rather unfair that purple (ish) gets two. So... I stick with six. Oh, did I also mention I like symmetry? Hard to be symmetrical with seven. Not impossible, but harder. I started with one 5x7 canvas and placed dollops of paint in all the colours around the canvas in equal numbers. Then, much like a Rorschach test, placed another 5x7 canvas on top, squished and slid it around a wee bit, then pulled them gently apart. I think it turned out rather well. But, you'll have to wait until next Friday to see it. I'm calling it "Butterfly". You'll have to let me know what you think of when you look at it.
Anyway... tonight's painting is, as the title of this post suggests, a two for one deal. I tried something I've thought about trying for a few days but hadn't quite gotten around to doing. It's definitely more abstract than some of the others. I love using bright colours and especially the six I associate with the rainbow. Yes, six. Forgive me, I know there are seven, but it seems rather unfair that purple (ish) gets two. So... I stick with six. Oh, did I also mention I like symmetry? Hard to be symmetrical with seven. Not impossible, but harder. I started with one 5x7 canvas and placed dollops of paint in all the colours around the canvas in equal numbers. Then, much like a Rorschach test, placed another 5x7 canvas on top, squished and slid it around a wee bit, then pulled them gently apart. I think it turned out rather well. But, you'll have to wait until next Friday to see it. I'm calling it "Butterfly". You'll have to let me know what you think of when you look at it.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Week Two - Paintings
Ok, it's late, and I'm tired... I will now apologize for the less than ideal quality of one or two of the pictures. However, I swear they look better in person. :)
Before I post them I want to give a little background on tonight's painting. My friend Serina asked me to paint a purple ribbon. She is a great supporter of Craig's Cause. So, because I was thinking of her today, I decided to give it a go. The painting is called "Courage" because I think that is what every person who finds themselves facing a fight with Cancer must have... but not only them. The special people in their lives must also have courage. I painted three ribbons, one for the individual, one for their family, and one for the other people who will come into their life during their difficult time, be it nurses or doctors, fellow patients, friends, whoever. We are not really alone in the world and I like to think that we touch a lot of lives even if only in a small way.
Serina, I hope you like it...
Now on to happier thoughts... this week's paintings. Click on the caption to go to the relevant post. :) Enjoy!
Before I post them I want to give a little background on tonight's painting. My friend Serina asked me to paint a purple ribbon. She is a great supporter of Craig's Cause. So, because I was thinking of her today, I decided to give it a go. The painting is called "Courage" because I think that is what every person who finds themselves facing a fight with Cancer must have... but not only them. The special people in their lives must also have courage. I painted three ribbons, one for the individual, one for their family, and one for the other people who will come into their life during their difficult time, be it nurses or doctors, fellow patients, friends, whoever. We are not really alone in the world and I like to think that we touch a lot of lives even if only in a small way.
Serina, I hope you like it...
Now on to happier thoughts... this week's paintings. Click on the caption to go to the relevant post. :) Enjoy!
Jan 8 - Artist's Palette |
Jan 9 - Growth Potential |
Jan 10 - True Love |
Jan 11 - Nature's Light Show |
Jan 12 - Barn Baby |
Jan 13 - Tabatha |
Jan 14 - Courage |
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Lucky Number Thirteen
I'd like to start this post by thanking Anne Fairman of Tabatha's Treasures. She responded to my Kijiji ad for donations of art supplies to help me on this journey. I went out to the shop, 4888 Hwy 7, Porter's Lake, NS to pick up some paints (and left with other stuff she thought I might find useful too). The store is full of interesting scrapbooking and card making supplies... I tell ya, if I ever get around to finishing my Italy scrapbook I'll be heading there for some stuff! Psst.. she's having an inventory sale this month too. :)
So, thanks Anne... I really appreciate it!
Tonight's painting was (shh don't tell) started last night. It ended up being one of those slow to dry backgrounds so I finished it up tonight. I figure it still counts since I did the hard work tonight. It's a picture of a mermaid on a beach staring out at the sea. All sorts of thoughts came into my head about what she was thinking and feeling. After all, she's a mermaid... lives in the sea, but we see (hehe) her out of it and maybe wonder why. I was thinking a lot about how sitting at Peggy's Cove made me feel the very first time I went. It's easy to think of all our little problems as big ones until you take a look at the bigger picture. Sitting there, staring out to sea, thinking of all the living creatures out there that are waaaay bigger than me, and the depth and scope of the water... well, it's a nice way to clear away some of the petty worries and to realize that it's a great big world out there and I actually have it really, really good.
I called the painting, and the mermaid, Tabatha. May you look out to sea and find happy thoughts.
So, thanks Anne... I really appreciate it!
Tonight's painting was (shh don't tell) started last night. It ended up being one of those slow to dry backgrounds so I finished it up tonight. I figure it still counts since I did the hard work tonight. It's a picture of a mermaid on a beach staring out at the sea. All sorts of thoughts came into my head about what she was thinking and feeling. After all, she's a mermaid... lives in the sea, but we see (hehe) her out of it and maybe wonder why. I was thinking a lot about how sitting at Peggy's Cove made me feel the very first time I went. It's easy to think of all our little problems as big ones until you take a look at the bigger picture. Sitting there, staring out to sea, thinking of all the living creatures out there that are waaaay bigger than me, and the depth and scope of the water... well, it's a nice way to clear away some of the petty worries and to realize that it's a great big world out there and I actually have it really, really good.
I called the painting, and the mermaid, Tabatha. May you look out to sea and find happy thoughts.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Thought I'd Try Something New
Up until now I've pretty much stuck with my favourite acrylic paints. Safe, quick to dry (for the most part) and easy enough to paint over. But, I found a set of watercolour pencil crayons tucked away in my art kit. Ah, the flashbacks to high school art class begin! So, I figured, why not try something a little different for tonight's painting. I found a pre-prepped canvas... of my Mom's horse Dancer back when she was naught but a wee filly. Why not? Comparing that painting to the first one (Jazz)... I think the watercolour is slightly more realistic, but I think I prefer the texture you can get with the acrylic. So, I guess, don't hold your breath for too many watercolours. :) I'll leave those to my far more talented mother-in-law. Seriously... we have a few of her watercolours and I am so very jealous! Hmm... maybe I can talk her into donating a few. This is a not-so-subtle ploy to see if anyone reading this is thinking, hey I should try some painting and throw it into the mix. It's for a great cause after all. Just let me know!
I think I did manage to come up with a slightly better title for this painting of a horse. Never again will I scoff at an artist's titles... coming up with them is harder than it looks. This one is called "Barn Baby". The last one, as you may recall, was oh so originally titled "Horse". Yeah, one can only go up from there!
I'm down to one last small canvas in my box... have several much larger canvasses, but am trying to keep the sizes fairly similar... so there may be an emergency trip to an art store on Friday. We shall have to see. Hoping also to pick up a paint donation on Friday so that's a lot to pack into one day with small children. Wish me luck!
Oh, if anyone has any suggestions for where the end of year show/sale should be, please feel free to leave a comment. I have a few ideas, but maybe you have a better one. :) Never hurts to ask.
See you tomorrow, and go out and do something nice for someone. It'll make both of you feel good.
Up until now I've pretty much stuck with my favourite acrylic paints. Safe, quick to dry (for the most part) and easy enough to paint over. But, I found a set of watercolour pencil crayons tucked away in my art kit. Ah, the flashbacks to high school art class begin! So, I figured, why not try something a little different for tonight's painting. I found a pre-prepped canvas... of my Mom's horse Dancer back when she was naught but a wee filly. Why not? Comparing that painting to the first one (Jazz)... I think the watercolour is slightly more realistic, but I think I prefer the texture you can get with the acrylic. So, I guess, don't hold your breath for too many watercolours. :) I'll leave those to my far more talented mother-in-law. Seriously... we have a few of her watercolours and I am so very jealous! Hmm... maybe I can talk her into donating a few. This is a not-so-subtle ploy to see if anyone reading this is thinking, hey I should try some painting and throw it into the mix. It's for a great cause after all. Just let me know!
I think I did manage to come up with a slightly better title for this painting of a horse. Never again will I scoff at an artist's titles... coming up with them is harder than it looks. This one is called "Barn Baby". The last one, as you may recall, was oh so originally titled "Horse". Yeah, one can only go up from there!
I'm down to one last small canvas in my box... have several much larger canvasses, but am trying to keep the sizes fairly similar... so there may be an emergency trip to an art store on Friday. We shall have to see. Hoping also to pick up a paint donation on Friday so that's a lot to pack into one day with small children. Wish me luck!
Oh, if anyone has any suggestions for where the end of year show/sale should be, please feel free to leave a comment. I have a few ideas, but maybe you have a better one. :) Never hurts to ask.
See you tomorrow, and go out and do something nice for someone. It'll make both of you feel good.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Northern Lights
Someday I swear I will go see the Northern Lights in person! I find them fascinating, mysterious and compelling. I found a site that archives the evening light show so you can watch them on the computer after the fact. Not as good as being there for sure, but still, it's better than nothing.
Tonight I took a stab at painting a scene with Northern Lights... it's called "Nature's Light Show". Trying to translate that in paint in one evening is hard and I think it's definitely something I will try again in hopes of improving the outcome. They're just so amazing and beautiful. Someday...
It's very late so I won't write much now... just that the world we live in is incredible and we should do our very best to protect it so that phenomena like the Northern Lights will be around for future generations to enjoy. Do something every day... every little bit helps.
Tonight I took a stab at painting a scene with Northern Lights... it's called "Nature's Light Show". Trying to translate that in paint in one evening is hard and I think it's definitely something I will try again in hopes of improving the outcome. They're just so amazing and beautiful. Someday...
It's very late so I won't write much now... just that the world we live in is incredible and we should do our very best to protect it so that phenomena like the Northern Lights will be around for future generations to enjoy. Do something every day... every little bit helps.
Donation Decision Made!
Just a quick note to say that I've made the decision... the money raised from this project will be donated to the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada. I'll be getting some logo stuff from their fundraising coordinator, Laura, who has been very friendly and helpful. Then we'll get links all set up so people can see what we're doing it all for. :) I'm very excited to be helping such a great foundation. I hope, sincerely, that I never need to apply for a wish for my kids, but I'm very thankful that it is there to help all the other kids and families through their difficult times. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions. I hope you can all support this decision and help me with this project. :) Have a wonderful day!
Monday, January 10, 2011
True Love
Is there any love quite as pure and unadulterated as that of Cookie Monster and his beloved cookies?
Ok, so it's a wee bit one-sided as the cookies always end up in Cookie's tummy, but it's a nice thought just the same. He is one of my favourite characters on Sesame Street and I still enjoy watching the video clips of him with my son. Ah, the classics of my youth.
Tonight's painting was inspired both by Chris and Gavin. Chris, because I often call him my cookie monster... the way that man can pack away the chocolate chip cookies... he could give Cookie a run for his money! Gavin, well, he is totally into Sesame Street so it follows. :)
I think I like this painting because it's simple and fun. Anyone who loves the familiar characters of Sesame Street should enjoy seeing a hint of them in paint. Obviously I didn't paint too much, just enough that people should get the idea... I'm sure there are copyright laws in effect there.
I'm becoming more swayed to the Children's Wish Foundation... probably because I'm a bit of a sucker for the tug the heartstring stories. I think what they do is wonderful. I wish such a foundation didn't need to exist, but that's a little too optimistic really. At least they do amazing things for kids in awful situations. I hope that this choice meets with approval. I think the money raised will make a difference and I think it's something that people can really get behind and support.
Speaking of support, I got a call today, as a follow up from an email from my kijiji ad... there's a lady in Porter's Lake (temporarily forgotten her name, sorry!) who is interested in donating some paint! Yay!! So, sometime this week I'll drive out to her store and pick up her donation. I think this is really great that a perfect stranger saw my ad and felt it a good enough idea/cause to support. I'm hopeful that over the year more people will hear about this (really must get on that a bit) and maybe more people will want to paint too. I'll still do a year's worth of paintings, but really, the more the merrier. More canvasses means more funds raised. More funds means more positive change in the world. Nothing wrong with that.
So, thanks to everyone who is supporting me in this project. No one has said I'm nuts yet, so I'll take that as a good sign. Here's to making a difference one small gesture at a time.
Ok, so it's a wee bit one-sided as the cookies always end up in Cookie's tummy, but it's a nice thought just the same. He is one of my favourite characters on Sesame Street and I still enjoy watching the video clips of him with my son. Ah, the classics of my youth.
Tonight's painting was inspired both by Chris and Gavin. Chris, because I often call him my cookie monster... the way that man can pack away the chocolate chip cookies... he could give Cookie a run for his money! Gavin, well, he is totally into Sesame Street so it follows. :)
I think I like this painting because it's simple and fun. Anyone who loves the familiar characters of Sesame Street should enjoy seeing a hint of them in paint. Obviously I didn't paint too much, just enough that people should get the idea... I'm sure there are copyright laws in effect there.
I'm becoming more swayed to the Children's Wish Foundation... probably because I'm a bit of a sucker for the tug the heartstring stories. I think what they do is wonderful. I wish such a foundation didn't need to exist, but that's a little too optimistic really. At least they do amazing things for kids in awful situations. I hope that this choice meets with approval. I think the money raised will make a difference and I think it's something that people can really get behind and support.
Speaking of support, I got a call today, as a follow up from an email from my kijiji ad... there's a lady in Porter's Lake (temporarily forgotten her name, sorry!) who is interested in donating some paint! Yay!! So, sometime this week I'll drive out to her store and pick up her donation. I think this is really great that a perfect stranger saw my ad and felt it a good enough idea/cause to support. I'm hopeful that over the year more people will hear about this (really must get on that a bit) and maybe more people will want to paint too. I'll still do a year's worth of paintings, but really, the more the merrier. More canvasses means more funds raised. More funds means more positive change in the world. Nothing wrong with that.
So, thanks to everyone who is supporting me in this project. No one has said I'm nuts yet, so I'll take that as a good sign. Here's to making a difference one small gesture at a time.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Favourite Flower
I love daisies. Makes me a cheap flower date! I like their simplicity. At least, until you try to paint them! Today's painting is called "Growth Potential" but has nothing to do with investments. I have to give half credit to Chris for the name. He thought it looked like the lone daisy had lots of room to grow. There's a green background with a lonely little daisy in the bottom right corner. It's supposed to seem like a macro photograph of a daisy, as I love to try macro photography. I think, if I'm to be brutally honest, I need more practice with flowers! Oh hey, I have 356 more paintings to do, so I guess that practice is coming. :) No problem!
A few friends have offered up pictures from their gardens (magnificent gardeners... wish my thumbs weren't quite so brown) and some others have let me know what their favourite flowers are. So... keep those suggestions coming! Who knows, maybe you'll even like the end result.
I have an idea for tomorrow's painting too, but I won't say any more now... just let it be known that my delightful little boy and my husband are my inspirations for this one. I'll explain tomorrow.
I think something that will help me in the coming months will be a notebook. I've decided to write down all my painting ideas in a notebook as they come to me. That way I won't sit in front of an intimidating blank canvas and find my mind go just as blank. It seems like sometimes I have four or five ideas, but then when I go to start painting, they all float away. I'll write suggestions in there too... that way I know I'll get them done. There's definitely lots of opportunities for different sorts of things. I'm really enjoying this exercise and I hope it turns out the way I want it to in the end. For now, I'll go to bed with paint on my hands again and hope for lovely artsy sorts of dreams. Good night!
A few friends have offered up pictures from their gardens (magnificent gardeners... wish my thumbs weren't quite so brown) and some others have let me know what their favourite flowers are. So... keep those suggestions coming! Who knows, maybe you'll even like the end result.
I have an idea for tomorrow's painting too, but I won't say any more now... just let it be known that my delightful little boy and my husband are my inspirations for this one. I'll explain tomorrow.
I think something that will help me in the coming months will be a notebook. I've decided to write down all my painting ideas in a notebook as they come to me. That way I won't sit in front of an intimidating blank canvas and find my mind go just as blank. It seems like sometimes I have four or five ideas, but then when I go to start painting, they all float away. I'll write suggestions in there too... that way I know I'll get them done. There's definitely lots of opportunities for different sorts of things. I'm really enjoying this exercise and I hope it turns out the way I want it to in the end. For now, I'll go to bed with paint on my hands again and hope for lovely artsy sorts of dreams. Good night!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Two Birds... with one brush.
Ok... so I may have cheated just a little today. Last night I did a painting inspired by the lovely and talented Laura Selenzi. Just before I started I got an idea for another painting and decided to double up. I figure it still counts as a canvas a day because I had to do some more work on it tonight, but it was mostly finished.
This one is called Artist's Palette. I painted a wooden palette and then used that canvas as the palette for Selenzi. So it really *is* the artist's (me) palette on a real painting. I thought that was pretty cool.
I've had a few rumblings about posting pics of the paintings every day... not sure I'm up for that, but I'm open to being swayed by popular opinion. Part of me wants to keep it to once a week, just so that it's easier to find the pics. Then there are only 52 posts with pictures, but they'll be linked to their relevant posts, rather than having to go through all 365 posts to find a particular picture. So... let me know what you think... daily or weekly?
I'd just like to say a special hello to the three people who 'follow' the blog. Makes me smile to see names there. :) Love the visitor count climbing too... hopefully this project will inspire others to do something nice for someone else, or the world. I think it is possible for an individual to make a difference... even small differences add up to big changes, no matter what it is you're trying to do.
Little personal tidbit... we have two friends who bought some new appliances recently and they asked us if we'd be interested in having their old ones. Their old ones are waaaay newer than the appliances that came with our house. So, of course we said YES! With their simple gesture of giving away their fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer, they have impacted quite a lot of people. We are getting the fridge and stove, so our fridge is going to a family with four kids who need more fridge space, our stove is going to a guy we found through the food bank, the washer went to friends of ours whose washer and dryer up and died on them, and the dryer went to my parents who didn't have one that worked. The other appliances went to other people they know and so it just spreads outward from there. The whole pay it forward idea really works! I like the idea of karma... so this whole experience makes me feel warm and fuzzy. :)
Ok... enough unrelated babbling... next thing you know I'll be painting rainbows and bunnies. Hmm... I do like bunnies... :) Maybe tomorrow I'll paint a rainbow coloured bunny. We will see... good night!
This one is called Artist's Palette. I painted a wooden palette and then used that canvas as the palette for Selenzi. So it really *is* the artist's (me) palette on a real painting. I thought that was pretty cool.
I've had a few rumblings about posting pics of the paintings every day... not sure I'm up for that, but I'm open to being swayed by popular opinion. Part of me wants to keep it to once a week, just so that it's easier to find the pics. Then there are only 52 posts with pictures, but they'll be linked to their relevant posts, rather than having to go through all 365 posts to find a particular picture. So... let me know what you think... daily or weekly?
I'd just like to say a special hello to the three people who 'follow' the blog. Makes me smile to see names there. :) Love the visitor count climbing too... hopefully this project will inspire others to do something nice for someone else, or the world. I think it is possible for an individual to make a difference... even small differences add up to big changes, no matter what it is you're trying to do.
Little personal tidbit... we have two friends who bought some new appliances recently and they asked us if we'd be interested in having their old ones. Their old ones are waaaay newer than the appliances that came with our house. So, of course we said YES! With their simple gesture of giving away their fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer, they have impacted quite a lot of people. We are getting the fridge and stove, so our fridge is going to a family with four kids who need more fridge space, our stove is going to a guy we found through the food bank, the washer went to friends of ours whose washer and dryer up and died on them, and the dryer went to my parents who didn't have one that worked. The other appliances went to other people they know and so it just spreads outward from there. The whole pay it forward idea really works! I like the idea of karma... so this whole experience makes me feel warm and fuzzy. :)
Ok... enough unrelated babbling... next thing you know I'll be painting rainbows and bunnies. Hmm... I do like bunnies... :) Maybe tomorrow I'll paint a rainbow coloured bunny. We will see... good night!
Friday, January 7, 2011
The End of the First Week!
Well, ok then :) That was a very interesting week. Definitely have to start painting earlier in the evening some nights. Very enjoyable on the whole and I think it is going to be a great year.
Before I post the pictures of the seven paintings I'm going to mention that I spoke with a fundraising person with Children's Wish - Nova Scotia chapter. Still not fully decided, but it was great to hear that local kids are getting wishes. Sometimes it's easy to think that a national charitable organization doesn't affect the people closer to home, but really it does.
Ok, now on to the pics which I hope I can manage to get on here. Not exactly the technological whiz!
Hope you enjoy them. :) Click on the title of each painting to see their related blog post!
Before I post the pictures of the seven paintings I'm going to mention that I spoke with a fundraising person with Children's Wish - Nova Scotia chapter. Still not fully decided, but it was great to hear that local kids are getting wishes. Sometimes it's easy to think that a national charitable organization doesn't affect the people closer to home, but really it does.
Ok, now on to the pics which I hope I can manage to get on here. Not exactly the technological whiz!
Hope you enjoy them. :) Click on the title of each painting to see their related blog post!
Jan 1 - Night Sky |
Jan 2 - Fireworks |
Jan 3 - Horse |
Jan 4 - Cold Sunrise |
Jan 5 - Heat |
Jan 6 - Magic Square |
Jan 7 - Selenzi |
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day Six and going strong!
After looking at this evening's painting, which I started yesterday and abandoned, I figured I'd rework some of the colour choices to make it better. I think that's what got me down on it last night. So... switched a few squares around and was much happier. The painting is called Magic Square because that's what it is... if you look hard enough.
Waaaay back when I was in grade 7 we had a super awesome substitute teacher. I can't remember his name anymore, but he was really great. He was big on the puzzles. Word puzzles, math puzzles... whatever. I think the class really enjoyed it when he was our sub. Can't say we got a whole lot of regular work done, but so be it. :) One of the puzzles was to take the numbers one through nine and arrange them in a grid so that their totals would be the same (15) in any direction. I don't know why that stuck with me, but there's a trick to it... I can even do a square with the numbers 1-25. Whee... useless trivia! Came in handy for this painting though. :)
So... I wanted to do something fun for kids... so I did the square with bugs. Biologists might cringe at that since I suppose spiders are not insects, and moths and butterflies are probably not that closely related to mythical beetles and bees. However... I had fun with it and I hope some kid out there will too.
I also got permission from some of my bellydance friends to use their dance photos as inspiration for some upcoming work. Laura Selenzi and Trina Oickle-Pottie are amazing local (professional) dancers and I admire them both a great deal. Besides being talented and gorgeous, they are also kind. Just the kind of people I am grateful to have involved with this project. :) So, thanks ladies... I'll let you know when your paintings are done. :)
Well, it's late (again)... so I'm off to bed. I am excited about the six paintings I have finished and can't wait to post the week's work tomorrow!
Waaaay back when I was in grade 7 we had a super awesome substitute teacher. I can't remember his name anymore, but he was really great. He was big on the puzzles. Word puzzles, math puzzles... whatever. I think the class really enjoyed it when he was our sub. Can't say we got a whole lot of regular work done, but so be it. :) One of the puzzles was to take the numbers one through nine and arrange them in a grid so that their totals would be the same (15) in any direction. I don't know why that stuck with me, but there's a trick to it... I can even do a square with the numbers 1-25. Whee... useless trivia! Came in handy for this painting though. :)
So... I wanted to do something fun for kids... so I did the square with bugs. Biologists might cringe at that since I suppose spiders are not insects, and moths and butterflies are probably not that closely related to mythical beetles and bees. However... I had fun with it and I hope some kid out there will too.
I also got permission from some of my bellydance friends to use their dance photos as inspiration for some upcoming work. Laura Selenzi and Trina Oickle-Pottie are amazing local (professional) dancers and I admire them both a great deal. Besides being talented and gorgeous, they are also kind. Just the kind of people I am grateful to have involved with this project. :) So, thanks ladies... I'll let you know when your paintings are done. :)
Well, it's late (again)... so I'm off to bed. I am excited about the six paintings I have finished and can't wait to post the week's work tomorrow!
New Canvasses... and a new painting.
Had a good day yesterday, with the exception of not being able to post this last night.
Made a trip to DeSerres art store over on Barrington St. Picked up some canvasses which were donated to the project by Miya Turnbull, a fabulous local artist. Thanks for your support Miya!!
Talked briefly with the manager of the store about possible sponsorship of the project, and while it doesn't look too promising (they have many requests and not a huge budget, completely understandable and it didn't hurt to ask) I will still write out a proper letter just in case.
Regardless of how that turns out I've found all the staff there very friendly and helpful and will likely continue to purchase some canvasses from there for this project. :) So, thanks guys!
Last night I started a painting that I wanted to aim at kids. It's going to be a magic square but with insects. Unfortunately it was taking way too long (this is post-gym trip) and I was getting tired. So, I switched it up and did another painting which I've called "Heat". I think it turned out rather nicely and much better than the other one would have if I'd slogged away at it when not in the mood. So... I'll probably finish that one up tonight instead.
I can't believe how close we're getting to the first week mark. I'll post photos of all seven paintings and you can all see what I've been up to so far.
If there is another local artist, or friend who finds it all inspiring and wants to do a painting (or two...) for the project that would be great. The more the merrier!
Another post later today...
Made a trip to DeSerres art store over on Barrington St. Picked up some canvasses which were donated to the project by Miya Turnbull, a fabulous local artist. Thanks for your support Miya!!
Talked briefly with the manager of the store about possible sponsorship of the project, and while it doesn't look too promising (they have many requests and not a huge budget, completely understandable and it didn't hurt to ask) I will still write out a proper letter just in case.
Regardless of how that turns out I've found all the staff there very friendly and helpful and will likely continue to purchase some canvasses from there for this project. :) So, thanks guys!
Last night I started a painting that I wanted to aim at kids. It's going to be a magic square but with insects. Unfortunately it was taking way too long (this is post-gym trip) and I was getting tired. So, I switched it up and did another painting which I've called "Heat". I think it turned out rather nicely and much better than the other one would have if I'd slogged away at it when not in the mood. So... I'll probably finish that one up tonight instead.
I can't believe how close we're getting to the first week mark. I'll post photos of all seven paintings and you can all see what I've been up to so far.
If there is another local artist, or friend who finds it all inspiring and wants to do a painting (or two...) for the project that would be great. The more the merrier!
Another post later today...
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Destination Dilemma
Evening all... well, yes, I have painted another painting. That is the goal for sure. However, that's not what is on my mind most this evening. It has occurred to me that the destination for the proceeds of the sale of the art needs to be decided on sooner rather than later. It's too murky just to say it's going to charity. It is, but I'd rather have a concrete destination. Of course, there are so many many worthwhile places to give it, it's hard to decide on just one.
I've thought about trying to keep it local, but the appeal of a larger organization is there as well. I've tried to think of just one place that would mean the most to me personally, but there are so many issues or groups that I find deserving of help that it has been difficult to make a choice.
Nationally I have The Children's Wish Foundation, MADD Canada, Kids Help Phone, the Humane Society, and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Locally, Craig's Cause, Home of the Guardian Angel, and Literacy Nova Scotia.
There are so many others and I'm sure I could make that list sooooo much longer. It's getting late though. So again, if anyone has any input I'd love to hear it.
I'm very hopeful that tomorrow's trip to the art store will find canvasses and/or support for the project. Another reason I want to get more of the details ironed out.
I've thought about trying to keep it local, but the appeal of a larger organization is there as well. I've tried to think of just one place that would mean the most to me personally, but there are so many issues or groups that I find deserving of help that it has been difficult to make a choice.
Nationally I have The Children's Wish Foundation, MADD Canada, Kids Help Phone, the Humane Society, and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Locally, Craig's Cause, Home of the Guardian Angel, and Literacy Nova Scotia.
There are so many others and I'm sure I could make that list sooooo much longer. It's getting late though. So again, if anyone has any input I'd love to hear it.
I'm very hopeful that tomorrow's trip to the art store will find canvasses and/or support for the project. Another reason I want to get more of the details ironed out.
Monday, January 3, 2011
For my mom... a horse of course.
This evening, while picking a canvas out of my painting box, I found one that already had a quick sketch of a horse on it. Now, please let it be noted that I am not so good at drawing animals... especially horses! But I must have tried at some point. So... why not? I painted it.
I think I must be in a bit of a phase with texture experimentation. I know I should probably try oils again, but honestly they take forever to dry. Really. For EVER. So, maybe I'll just stick with acrylics for now. This painting, which in a bout of complete unoriginality I've named "Horse" is pretty much a lone horse in a field looking out. As much as it will pain my mother and all horse enthusiasts for me to say this, the horse is brown.
Future canvasses will hopefully have more original and witty titles, but I think I must be tired today, for nothing amazing sprang to mind. I think it was originally supposed to be Jazz, one of my mom's horses, but I didn't notice that note on the back until I'd finished painting the horse brown. Jazz is more yellow. Roan? I don't know... I should really ask. Maybe the next horse I paint will look more like Jazz. Or maybe it will be green and purple and blue. I don't really know yet. I'm enjoying the paint in the moment thing.
I decided to ask people on Facebook about suggestions for subject matter and I got quite a few. I also received an excellent suggestion for a charity. Craig's Cause. So... I'll add that to the eventual poll and do a little research. I have a friend who is very involved with that charity as it is near and dear to her heart. I think, at her request, there will be a canvas with a purple ribbon in the near future as well. If anyone else has requests, specific or general, please make them. After all, I have 362 canvasses to go!
Tomorrow I will start approaching art supply stores to see if any of them would be interested in getting involved with the project. I'm hoping that they will. Also, if anyone has any good storage suggestions I'd like to hear those too. It occurred to me, around two am, that I'm going to need somewhere to put all of these paintings! My basement is now a playroom, den, art studio, and storage room. Oy!
Well, good night and happy thoughts!
I think I must be in a bit of a phase with texture experimentation. I know I should probably try oils again, but honestly they take forever to dry. Really. For EVER. So, maybe I'll just stick with acrylics for now. This painting, which in a bout of complete unoriginality I've named "Horse" is pretty much a lone horse in a field looking out. As much as it will pain my mother and all horse enthusiasts for me to say this, the horse is brown.
Future canvasses will hopefully have more original and witty titles, but I think I must be tired today, for nothing amazing sprang to mind. I think it was originally supposed to be Jazz, one of my mom's horses, but I didn't notice that note on the back until I'd finished painting the horse brown. Jazz is more yellow. Roan? I don't know... I should really ask. Maybe the next horse I paint will look more like Jazz. Or maybe it will be green and purple and blue. I don't really know yet. I'm enjoying the paint in the moment thing.
I decided to ask people on Facebook about suggestions for subject matter and I got quite a few. I also received an excellent suggestion for a charity. Craig's Cause. So... I'll add that to the eventual poll and do a little research. I have a friend who is very involved with that charity as it is near and dear to her heart. I think, at her request, there will be a canvas with a purple ribbon in the near future as well. If anyone else has requests, specific or general, please make them. After all, I have 362 canvasses to go!
Tomorrow I will start approaching art supply stores to see if any of them would be interested in getting involved with the project. I'm hoping that they will. Also, if anyone has any good storage suggestions I'd like to hear those too. It occurred to me, around two am, that I'm going to need somewhere to put all of these paintings! My basement is now a playroom, den, art studio, and storage room. Oy!
Well, good night and happy thoughts!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day Two, Another Painting
January Second... another painting is done. This one is called "Fireworks" and is the continuation of the painting that I meant to do yesterday, but that wasn't dry enough to finish. So... not sure how I feel about this one. It's the first time I've tried to paint fireworks. I looked at some pictures on the internet, and of course, recent memory is somewhat fresh... but it's just not the same. How do you capture such a fleeting moment? Especially one that seems to be tied up in several senses. You see the colours, hear the bang, and, if you're close enough, smell the powder. Ah well, I tried my best... all anyone can ask for.
Part of this journey is to improve my painting skills and I think this exercise is good for that. It's like gesture drawing in art class... you have to kind of jump in and just do your best to capture the moment. Instead of spending lots and lots of time trying for perfection, you just go with your instincts and hope for the best. Saves overthinking... just go for a feeling.
So far, I'm liking it. It's not as easy to just let go of yourself and let it be what it will be. Ah... pottery class comes to mind too. We had a wonderful instructor, Linda, at the George Dixon Centre, and she told us early on not to get too attached to a piece, that it was too easy for it to get wrecked. I am SO not that person... I get very attached! But, she was right... throwing on the wheel got lopsided, or crumpled, sometimes it went all wonky taking it off the wheel... all sorts of things could (and did) go wrong. Painting is a little like that, especially in this vein where you sort of try hard, but take what you get. In the end, some of my favourite pottery pieces are the weirdest ones! We have a half crumpled 'vase' on display. Hey... if it crumples in an interesting way it's still art. :)
I've decided to take pictures once a week and post all seven paintings at once... save me the trouble of uploading pictures every night. As anyone who follows me on Facebook will know, I'm a few months behind on my picture posting!
I welcome suggestions for subject matter for these paintings. No promises that they'll look the way you think they should, but hey, maybe that'll be ok too.
Part of this journey is to improve my painting skills and I think this exercise is good for that. It's like gesture drawing in art class... you have to kind of jump in and just do your best to capture the moment. Instead of spending lots and lots of time trying for perfection, you just go with your instincts and hope for the best. Saves overthinking... just go for a feeling.
So far, I'm liking it. It's not as easy to just let go of yourself and let it be what it will be. Ah... pottery class comes to mind too. We had a wonderful instructor, Linda, at the George Dixon Centre, and she told us early on not to get too attached to a piece, that it was too easy for it to get wrecked. I am SO not that person... I get very attached! But, she was right... throwing on the wheel got lopsided, or crumpled, sometimes it went all wonky taking it off the wheel... all sorts of things could (and did) go wrong. Painting is a little like that, especially in this vein where you sort of try hard, but take what you get. In the end, some of my favourite pottery pieces are the weirdest ones! We have a half crumpled 'vase' on display. Hey... if it crumples in an interesting way it's still art. :)
I've decided to take pictures once a week and post all seven paintings at once... save me the trouble of uploading pictures every night. As anyone who follows me on Facebook will know, I'm a few months behind on my picture posting!
I welcome suggestions for subject matter for these paintings. No promises that they'll look the way you think they should, but hey, maybe that'll be ok too.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Painting Number One
Ok... so I did my first painting tonight. Well, technically I started one, realized there was no way the first coat would be dry tonight, so made a smaller version of what I was thinking about. So, I suppose I've done one and a half paintings. :) Not a bad start!
The one for tonight is a 4x5 and I'm calling it "Night Sky". I was thinking of doing some sort of fireworks thingy, in honour of New Year's Eve, but I think that will work better on the larger canvas that wasn't dry enough. So... perhaps that will be tomorrow's painting.
I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. When I figure out how to post a picture I'll try to add that as well. Still getting the hang of this blogging thing!
The one for tonight is a 4x5 and I'm calling it "Night Sky". I was thinking of doing some sort of fireworks thingy, in honour of New Year's Eve, but I think that will work better on the larger canvas that wasn't dry enough. So... perhaps that will be tomorrow's painting.
I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. When I figure out how to post a picture I'll try to add that as well. Still getting the hang of this blogging thing!
Starting Out...
The idea for this project started with a Facebook post by a friend of mine. It was a link to someone else's blog about making something every day for a year. I thought that was a fantastic idea. I was thinking about different projects and how to do something good for the world and I thought of this idea. Why not paint a canvas a day for a year and then sell them and donate the money? I've thought and planned all day and figured why not just jump in.
Tonight I will paint my first canvas. I figure I'll keep them small-ish, but any size will do. I have sixteen unpainted canvasses here and I will likely start with those while I try to approach art supply stores to see if they will jump in this madness with me. :) I'm happy to advertise for any store who wishes to donate canvasses, and probably paint when my current supply runs out! At the rate I'm planning to go I fully expect to run out!
So... I'm very excited, and thankfully supported by my wonderful husband, who no doubt thinks I'm a little nuts to take this on. But, it's a pretty good idea and I think it will make me happy to do it.
Here's to a canvas a day and some fun and funds for a good cause.
Any suggestions for the profits' destination can be made below in the comment box. Happy 2011!
Tonight I will paint my first canvas. I figure I'll keep them small-ish, but any size will do. I have sixteen unpainted canvasses here and I will likely start with those while I try to approach art supply stores to see if they will jump in this madness with me. :) I'm happy to advertise for any store who wishes to donate canvasses, and probably paint when my current supply runs out! At the rate I'm planning to go I fully expect to run out!
So... I'm very excited, and thankfully supported by my wonderful husband, who no doubt thinks I'm a little nuts to take this on. But, it's a pretty good idea and I think it will make me happy to do it.
Here's to a canvas a day and some fun and funds for a good cause.
Any suggestions for the profits' destination can be made below in the comment box. Happy 2011!
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