Before painting tonight I did a quick cleanup. Put my turntable away (temporarily) and shuffled some paints around. I so need a better storage system. The paint kit I have is wonderful, and made for me by Chris many years ago, but now that I have so many paints in it, I've run out of room and most of them end up scattered around on the table and shelves. So... I'm spending more time than I'd like tidying before painting. Yes, I could do it after painting, but by then it's late and I'm tired. Ah procrastination my old friend! Anyway... it feels like I have so much space now that the turntable is gone. I thought, this is nice, a refreshing clean slate to start a new painting. Then I went blank.
Yup, as blank as that little white canvas. Couldn't think of a thing to paint. Sat staring at this thing for a good half hour while peeking up at the tv. We started watching the show Big-Bang Theory (oh so funny). Anyway, by the time the painting was finished I think we'd seen four episodes and Chris had gone upstairs. It's a wee and teeny canvas. Crazy how sometimes the little ones take longer than the big ones!
Anyway, I decided to paint another fairy tonight. Not sure why... but I was trying to think of what to do and tulips popped into my head. I think that might have been my friend Trina's suggestion awhile ago. Anyway, I thought a little dewdrop fairy putting a drop of dew (ironic?) on a tulip might be nice. So, away we went. I like her. Just a little fairy. Oh, and I so blame my sister for the fairy thing. She loves them. I miss her. :)
Ok, that's totally enough rambling out of me for one night. Until the morrow.
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