Oh my... eight whole weeks! Today I reorganized my "studio" with the help of a suggestion from Chris. I was thinking I'd need some sort of shelving unit by the couch where I sit since my tubs of stuff always overflow. I'm not an obsessively neat person... but this was driving even me crazy. Chris suggested swapping some stuff around in our basement and it totally worked! Here's a picture of my little nook... new and improved. :)
Overflowing bookshelves |
My studio, such as it is |
So, very excited that I have all of my supplies neatly stored and organized. Now, when we want to bring the kids downstairs to play, there won't be the mad scramble to tidy all the random pots and tubes of paint! At least, not for a few days anyway. ;)
Tonight I finished my dragon painting. I started the background yesterday as I mentioned. Had a burst of productivity and it seemed like a good idea to do at least the background as it would take awhile to dry. So, it was all set to go today and I put the dragon part on. I quite like it. Dragons are interesting and so varied in their depictions in art and literature. If you haven't seen the movie "How to Train Your Dragon" (or something like that) you should. It's fun, and fun is good.
So, here are the pictures of the week's work. It's a little varied... hope you like it. :)
Feb 25 - Fire Dragon |
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