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Monday, May 2, 2011

Sickened and Disgusted

I have nothing positive to say tonight. I'm watching election coverage and wondering what on earth is wrong with the people in my country. Seriously??? This party has shown themselves to be in support of the wealthy over the poor, men over women, white over everyone else, and concerned mainly with money rather than other important issues to so many people. I just do not understand. I'm not saying that the other guys are so much better... or even that anyone is 'ideal' but really?? We're going with Harper again??? I'm feeling pretty bad right now. Sorry if this offends anyone who is a Conservative voter... but I just don't get it. Feel free anyone to tell me at least one good thing Harper has done while in power. Just one. I've got tons of reasons to strip him of any semblance of power and I cannot support him and his ideals. This is a very sad sad day.

Yes, I painted tonight... before the results started coming in. I'll talk about that tomorrow when I'm in a better mood. At least the painting is pretty. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you on that 100% my dear friend. Your thoughts are exactly how I thought and felt.

    The public will end up getting what they deserve. Unfortunately, we are part of that public. Sad!

    All the best!


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