SO loving this! I now have *drumroll* one hundred and twenty finished paintings!!! Four months of daily painting (or as close to it as humanly possible) and I'm just about blown away. Hands up if you didn't think I'd make it this far... ha! I did it and I'm on a roll!! Feeling good and happy to see all the visits to the page, happy to see people sharing the link on facebook, and happy to have a chance to talk about what I'm doing and why. So, thank you EVERYONE for being a part of this adventure and for supporting me in my goal!!
Today is my dad's birthday... no I won't say how old he is... but he's not old so there. I wanted to paint him something, but he didn't answer the phone when I called him to see if he had any requests. I could have gone the golf route, or perhaps a tractor (seriously considered that one) but instead went with a little joke just for him. It's a vase with a spoon and a spatula and I called it "Kitchen Spoon". Years ago he and my mom had a go at making their own homemade wine. Well, lots of funny memories go with that for sure! So, there you go Dad... a little flashback just for you. :)
So... I promise to do the gallery by the end of tomorrow. Even if it means no sleep for me... I will do it. Then I think we're good to go for selling the first third of the year. If you want something let me know and we'll arrange a price. I took a stab at pricing in an earlier post so if you want to scroll back there I think it's got a "calling dibs" reference in the name. I'm starting prices high-ish... mostly for the fact that the money's going to kids, and if I went by traditional pricing formulas they'd be much higher... so really, you'd be helping kids and getting some art for less than you would in a store. Mind you, it's my art... so there you go. :) Open to negotiation while they're still online... and then when we do a big sale, I'm hoping to work out some sort of auction method... that's still in the planning... I've got some time. :)
Ah... I see I'm starting to ramble on... I guess it's bed time. Tomorrow will be the big push on the gallery. Looking forward to it! Good night!
Great job, Jo, way to go. Very proud of you!